
Keystone DH 2024 @ Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Code of Conduct

We work to make the Keystone DH Conference to be a welcoming, supportive, and comfortable environment for all participants. We are a diverse community of professionals representing different age groups, genders, physical and mental abilities, cultures, ethnicities, educational levels, languages, national origins, political beliefs, professions, races, religions, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, sizes, and technical abilities. We will not understand things the same way, and in that diversity is the strength of our conference community.

We encourage the following supportive behaviors:

We will not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, country of origin, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, religion, veteran status or other protected class status; discriminatory or offensive images in public spaces; intimidation; stalking; harassing or unwanted photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants violating the code of conduct may be warned or asked to leave by conference organizers.

Recording/Social Media Policy

We see the conference as a place to share information, not only with other participants, but also with those who may not be able to attend. Sessions are, by default, considered open and can be written about on social media and photographed. Each session's panelists can decide to adopt different rules at the beginning of the session as long as they inform all participants who join the session.

Keystone DH 2024 is an in-peron conference, with a few presenters joining virtually for select panels. We are using Zoom as a platform for the hybrid aspects of our conference. Zoom’s privacy and security statements and information about removing your data from each of them are available on their website. Visit Zoom’s Privacy Statement for more information. Because Keystone DH 2024 is primarily an in-person conference experience, we are not intending to record presentations. The conversations we have here are defined by the people coming together in the timeframe of the conference only. What we choose to share (on social media and on the conference website) after the event will be the deliberate choice of the conference presenters.

To contact the conference organizers about any concern, please email contact at keystonedh dot network. During the conference, our Slack channel shared with all registrants is a convenient way to reach the organizers quickly.

We have updated and gently adapted this code of conduct from those of Keystone DH 2023, the TEI community, and Balisage: the Markup Conference.

Who is Keystone DH?

Keystone DH is a network of institutions and practitioners committed to advancing collaborative scholarship in digital humanities research and pedagogy across the Mid-Atlantic. We invite schools and constituents within schools to participate across traditional “peer institution” or categorical divides, as well as faculty, staff, and students (undergraduate and graduate) and independent scholars. Each year, Keystone DH aims to host a conference at one of the participating institutions in the region.

Keystone DH 2024 Organizing Committee

  • Sam Backer, Johns Hopkins
  • Elisa Beshero-Bondar, Penn State Erie
  • Matt Ciszek, Penn State Erie
  • Sean DiLeonardi, Pitt-Greensburg
  • Joel Hunt, Penn State Erie
  • Jennifer Isasi, Penn State
  • Patrick Juola, Duquesne
  • Lauren Liebe, Penn State Erie
  • John Russell, Penn State
  • Rachel Starry, Pitt
  • Annette Vee, Pitt

Local Organizing Committee @ Penn State Erie

  • Elisa Beshero-Bondar
  • Hadleigh Bills
  • Matt Ciszek
  • Nathan Hammer
  • Kristen Gincott
  • Joel Hunt
  • Yuying Jin
  • Lauren Liebe
  • Breanna McClain
  • Samantha Moniot
  • Remington Orange
  • Savannah Ricks
  • We are grateful for generous support from the Penn State University Humanities Institute and the School of Humanities & Social Sciences at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College to host this conference.